Tuesday, July 07, 2009

It's hard being small.

The excitement never ends here in Malika. You remember Suuf? The little dog that sleeps in our house at night? Why, you might be wondering, does she sleep in our house at night? Well, that is because Herma has 1 male dog and 2 female dogs...you see where this is going? One one female dog is allowed lose at a time, otherwise they try to kill each other. Just another apparent indicator that monogomy is a good thing.
While Scotty had one dog, collar in hand, she lunged at poor little Suff, catching her leg in her mouth. Suuf would clearly not survive in the wild because she immediatly rolled over and exposed her neck to the attacking dog, which naturally went for her neck and chest area.

Scotty pulled the bad dog off the small dog but the small dog was still in the clentches of the bad dog, so when one came up so did the other. Scotty was able to get the bad dog off, but Suff sustained some pretty serious injuries.

At this point in the post if you are swimish you need to STOP READING, IT GET'S GRAPHIC AFTER THIS. A quick recap is Scotty played Dr. and Suff is healing nicely.

Now, for those of you who are brave.....
Here is Scotty playing Dr. Suff had 3 serious wounds, two of which you could see the tissue underneath.
It was actually a good thing that we could see so clearly the wounds because it allowed Scotty to determine if any lungs or other vital organs were punctured. Praise the Lord, they were not. Scotty shaved the area, irrigated it, applied antibotics and a butterfly bandage..Suuf is good as new..well almost.

She is healing well, She is now eating, drinking and walking so, Scotty must be a good Dr....for dogs that is.

Don't you wish you were here?


Unknown said...

Hey Crys....we actually might be around central Oregon when you are back....though you probably won't want to rush out right away and meet up with us....but it would be fun to have you whenever for however long. You have all the gear....might as well eh!!!

Unknown said...

Sounds fun!

Cindy Lou said...

I am SO impressed! I recently learned to suture from one of our ICC docs and it is SO much fun! Wish I was there to practice! ;-) YUMMY!!!