Thursday, March 12, 2009

the Swiss are gone

Our Swiss friends, Samba and Andrea left last week.  
Samba bought a sheep to throw a big BBQ Senegalese style.
This is not your mom's grocery store where you can buy meat pre-packaged.
After cleaning and gutting the sheep the boys showed us how to cook the meat by burrying it in the sand and lighting a fire on top of it.
8 hours later they dug it up.
And then they got all the sand off it, and the paper that it roasted in.  We were all curious, so we watched them do the hard work.
And then we ate it with our hands and it was GOOD.
Bye Sambali and Andrea, you will be missed.


Unknown said... the pic of guy with sharp knife & goat in background....he doesn't know what's coming to him!!

Chris and Sarah said...

Crazy! Once I ate pancakes in Africa that were baked under the ground in the hot sand.... with goat guts on top as a garnish....... tasty!

Cindy Lou said...

:-( such a pretty animal.....