Monday, April 13, 2009

just life

Here are just some random pictures from Malika and Dakar:
Just hanging out on the balcony, cooking.  People don't have mortgages here, so they build as they have money and live in it as it is.  I am sure a building inspector in the States would just freak out if we tried to do this, eh?
Even though Dakar is only 25 km from Herma's it still is an ALL day trip.  Seriously, the drive is over an hour each was just because of traffic.  We sometimes stop and get lunch in Dakar, this is Chepu Yup (Rice and meat), I like the one Nia makes better, but this will do for now.  Jenn, I need to get you this recipe too, eh?
The new guy, Thoma.  He is super sweet and cute.  He has been here for only a few weeks and it looks as if he will stay.  He is from Mauritania (sp?), to the north of Senegal, so he speaks just about as much Wolof as we do, cool! (They speak Serer in Mauritania).
Just getting some laundry done.  No dryers here, because let's face it, that is just a waste of electricy and literally the clothes dry here in minutes.  
The infamous: car rapides.  This was one of our favorite forms of transportation because you really got in the middle of the experience.  So much color and smell and noise around you when you ride in these.  Note: don't ride these at night or with luggage, just too much.
Speaking of too much, driving to Dakar is too much.  It physically hurts my head.  Hey, remember when Scotty rode all the way back from Dakar in the trunk of Fiona's car, and we all forgot about him until he started talking...from the trunk.  Pretty sure we broke some rules there.


Unknown said...

I like it. Go my bag, some poles, some clothes and a few other things today!

Ryan said...

Who hasn't rode all the way from Dakar in the trunk? I mean, seriously.